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Showing posts from March, 2023

When should you prune your trees so that they look their best

When pruning is done in the late winter, it ensures that fresh wounds are only exposed for a short period of time before new growth begins. This allows the wound that was caused by pruning to begin healing more quickly. In addition, cutting back dormant plants with pruning can facilitate simpler decision-making because there are fewer leaves to obscure the view. It is best to perform any necessary pruning in the late winter months so as to prevent certain diseases. By pruning oaks between the months of November and March, you can prevent the Oak Wilt illness. It is imperative that you never prune your trees between the months of April and October. Apple bushes should get pruned between the months of February and late April. When done in the spring or summer, pruning can increase the risk of an infection spreading, whereas pruning done in the autumn or early winter can lead to problems with growth in the following season. It is recommended that Honey Locusts be pruned in the l